My Approach
In all my work, I use my core skills of facilitation, coaching, and learning design. What can you expect?
As a facilitator...
The best facilitation is always bespoke to the needs of the group. I meet you where you’re at, not where I think you should be. The role of a facilitator has lots of dimensions. It’s everything from helping you get the most out of the limited time you’ve got, to noticing patterns of power in the room and how those dynamics might be impacting your organisation or group.
Facilitator style is personal – I won’t be the right fit for everyone. In the words of people I have facilitated for, with me you will get…
- humanity
- someone not scared to change the plan, who can respond to the needs in the room
- an expert in the process, but who will never let that get in the way of how she connects with people in the room
- a facilitator who is astute and not afraid to read the subtext in the room
- someone who likes to bring joy and fun and lightness
- warmth
- someone who cuts to the heart of it all
- someone who likes to go outside whenever possible – games and circle time in the sun!
As a Coach
As a coach, I use a combination of powerful questions and conversational tools to help you bring about change; in yourself, your work, the impact you want to have. I coach courageous folk who are committed to doing deep work – both in the world and on themselves.
Why Coaching?
You might be…
- stuck in your sense of purpose and want someone to support you to think about what you really want, and how to get there
- dealing with a new challenge, and need someone external and objective to help you work through problems in a space where you can speak freely
- really clear on what your goals are, but need an accountability and thinking partner
- looking for some goal-focused conversations, accompanied by walks in nature.
My coaching is always about two things: reflection and action. All coaches are different, and it’s important to work with someone who can get the best out of you. I have high expectations of my clients, and will hold you to account so change actually happens. And at the same time, I will always champion and support you. My job is to work with you to draw out your magic so you can be more of yourself, more of the time.
Prefer to learn and grow with Peers?
If you’re looking…
- to find a space for group reflection
- to develop coaching skills in a team or group
- for a peer learning community
…it may be that action learning is a good fit.
Need help crafting learning or experiences?
As a learning designer I can...
- Work with you to think through outcomes, outputs and purpose of a piece of work
- design learning experiences where there is a growth in knowledge and skills for you, your team or organisation
- think through how to evaluate learning, and building in feedback loops to do this
- write content for a learning experience, for example a workshop, a training programme or a leadership development journey.
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© Kate Weiler 2019